Friday, 20 December 2013


2951. Kindness from companies.
2952. Flexible nurses.
2953. Audio books.
2954. Butter.
2955. The end of term.
2956. Friends who like having friends in wheelchairs. And think everyone should, or it's a shame.
2957. Gold glitter.
2958. Purple butterflies from a school Father Christmas.
2959. Pizza.
2960. Thinking space.
2961. Silliness with friends.
2962. The ability to horrify teenagers.
2963. Love.
2964. A Christmas break.
2965. Clean kitchen counters.
2966. A fully stocked cupboard.
2967. PVA glue.
2968. Christmas films.
2969. The Nutcracker Ballet.
2970. CS Lewis.
2971. Visiting teacher.
2972. Borrowed Ventilators.
2973. Red candles.
2974. The Post Office.
2975. Sleeping children.
2976. The smell of the Christmas tree.
2977. Scrambled eggs.
2978. Shiny wrapping paper.
2979. A clean suction pump.
2980. An empty laundry bin.
2981. Wind through the chimney.
2982. Hot chocolate with maltesers in it.
2983. Bonus cups of tea.
2984. Olbas Oil.
2985. Lemsips.
2986. Steamingly hot soup with brown bread.
2987. Piles of presents.
2988. Exciting plans.
2989. Dreams.
2990. Old recipe books.
2991. Family.
2992. Thick walls.
2993. Double glazing.
2994. Ladybird books.
2995. Fake snow.
2996. Warm showers.
2997. Frost on grass.
2998. Facebook.
2999. Lie-ins.
3000. Memories of a girl who would have been 25 today.

Friday, 13 December 2013


2941. Chocolate. 
2942. Access to medication. 
2943. The team around the child. 
2944. Christmas dinners. 
2945. Girls in matching pyjamas. 
2946. A washing machine with a quiet spin. 
2947. Helping hands. 
2948. Battery power. 
2949. Kindness. 
2950. Connections. 

Thursday, 12 December 2013


2930. More nights in my own bed. 
2931. A sleeping household. 
2932. Supportive friends. 
2933. Beautiful photographs. 
2934. Grace. 
2935. God's perfect timing. 
2936. Girlie giggles. 
2937. Love. 
2938. Poinsettias. 
2939. Post.
2940. Pine. 

Tuesday, 10 December 2013


2911. Ice  in puddles. 
2912. Memoirs. 
2913. Being me, here, today. 
2914. Pink skies. 
2915. Sparkly hair spray. 
2916. Cheese and pineapple hedgehogs. 
2917. Appreciation. 
2918. Gradually growing mysterious piles of parcels. 
2919. Plans and hopes. 
2920. Batteries. 
2921. Carols. 
2922. Christmas decorations. 
2923. Flat pack gingerbread houses. 
2924. Flea drops. 
2925. Concerned vets. 
2926. Advent traditions. 
2927. Dimples. 
2928. Courage. 
2929. Art. 
2930. Prayers. 

Saturday, 7 December 2013


2901. Clean air. 
2902. Pink skies. 
2903. Clear roads. 
2904. Parking spaces. 
2905. Christmas trees. 
2906. Meatballs (guess where we went?)
2907. Healing. Slow but steady. 
2908. Glitter. 
2909. Gingerbread. 
2910. Butterflies. 

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


2891. Friends who can babble. 
2892. Chocolate. 
2893. Carers. 
2894. Shiny envelopes. 
2895. Communication. 
2896. Faith. 
2897. Hope.
2898. Smily girls. 
2899. Internet shopping. 
2900. Freshly ironed sheets. 

Monday, 2 December 2013


2881. The silence of a group of girls concentrating. 
2882. The excitement of a group of girls playing the chocolate game. 
2883. The enthusiasm of a group of girls painting decorations. 
2884. The leisure of leaders able to watch girls engaging with activities.
2885. A warm church hall. 
2886. Girls, chatting. 
2887. Orange Penguins. 
2888. A small girl who loves her babysitter. 
2889. A babysitter who knows when to call for help. 
2890. A sleeping household. 

Sunday, 1 December 2013


2861. Shared interests. 
2862. Shared sadnesses. 
2863. Soft snuggles. 
2864. Lazy afternoons. 
2865. Making music. 
2866. Watching television. 
2867. Gingerbread trees. 
2868. Puffed up Yorkshire puddings. 
2869. Solid Beale custard. 
2970. The last bottle of wine. 
2971. Lighting the Advent Candle. 
2972. Digging out the Advent tablecloth. 
2973. Watching lights coming on. 
2974. Traditions. 
2975. Happy sleepy girls.
2976. Peaceful plans. 
2977. A fixed power chair. 
2978. Bulbs planted ready for Spring. 
2979. Cuddle cats with winter coats. 
2980. Emmanuel. 

Friday, 29 November 2013


2857, especially for L, friends who help you stay on track!

Thursday, 28 November 2013


2851. Suction. 
2852. Steristrips. 
2853. Silicone. 
2854. Sorbsan. 
2855. Sharps bins.
2856. Chemists who deliver. 
2858. Alcohol gel. 
2859. Nitrile gloves. 
2860. Industrial strength nappy bags.  

Monday, 25 November 2013


2841. Parents. 
2842. Grandparents. 
2843. Siblings. 
2844. Cousins. 
2845. Children. 
2846. Extended family. 
2847. Friends, the family we choose for ourselves. 
2848. Professional friends. 
2849. Church family. 
2850. A network of support far deeper and wider than I ever expected. 

Sunday, 24 November 2013


2831. Gandalf doesn't skydive!
2832. He's surrendering!
2833. Glynda is the true villain of the piece. 
2834. Sometimes you just have to allow yourself to be the Elf. 
2835. The cat does not like hoummous. 
2836. But that's one step beyond crazy cat lady. 
2837. Every house should have a cat called Mouse. 
2838. Friends who share the silly gene. 
2839. Long agenda less phone calls from said friend. 
2840. Laughing until you can hardly breathe about things no one else will find as funny see 2831-2837 above). 

Friday, 22 November 2013


2821. Friends. 
2822. Flexibility. 
2823. Familiarity. 
2824. Perfectly ripe Brie. 
2825. Concern. 
2826. Hope. 
2827. Songwriters. 
2828. Familiar noises of home. 
2829. Happy cats. 
2830. Possibilities. 

Thursday, 21 November 2013


2811. Cuddles. 
2812. Shortbread. 
2813. Glitter. 
2814. Anaesthetics. 
2815. Shampoo. 
2816. Dimmer switches. 
2817. Painful honesty. 
2818. Smiles from a tired girl. 
2819. Morphine. 
2820. Space. 

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


2801. Piping hot prawn toasts. 
2802. Crispy seaweed. 
2803. Mammoth quantities of MSG free Chinese meals. 
2804. A baby waiter. 
2805. A restaurant to ourselves. 
2806. Silliness with friends who know how serious life gets and how necessary the silliness is. 
2807. Daft dog. 
2808. Amana confident enough to wave me off before tea and giving me permission to go. 
2809. Plans coming together. 
2810. Antibiotics. 

Tuesday, 19 November 2013


2791. An unlimited number of new beginnings. 
2792. Progress. 
2793. Simple solutions. 
2794. Smiling staff. 
2795. Safety. 
2796. Sympathetic ears. 
2797. Silliness. 
2798. A truly fabulous vegetable curry
2799. Ditto chicken. 
2800. Renewing old acquaintances. 

Monday, 18 November 2013


2771. Breath clouds. 
2772. Blue skies and orange leaves. 
2773. Frost on a cobweb. 
2774. Fat cheeked squirrels. 
2775. Cats curled up on chairs. 
2776. Warm scented candles. 
2777. Routine. 
2778. Familiarity. 
2779. Gravy. 
2780. Stodgy comfort. 
2781. Thick baggy cardigans with slightly wonky sleeves. 
2782. Insight from an 8 year old. 
2783. God who has all the wisdom I could ever hope for. 
2784. Gingerbread. 
2785. Soundbeam smiles. 
2786. Zoflora. 
2787. Flowery hair clips. 
2788. Understanding. 
2789. Fellow travellers. 
2790. Butter. 

Saturday, 16 November 2013


2761. Ice in puddles. 
2762. Frost on grass. 
2763. Warm, soft, winter weight cat fur. 
2764. Imi singing through her CPAP. 
2765. A wish granted. 
2766. Another wish on the way. 
2767. Cold sun through pink curtains. 
2768. The first coffee of the morning. 
2769. Children's choirs. 
2770. Slow Saturday mornings. 

Friday, 15 November 2013


2751. Brownies
2752. Inclusion. 
2753. Acceptance. 
2754. Borrowed hoists. 
2755. Hot dogs and chips. 
2756. Leaders willing to host 2 dozen small girls overnight.
2757. A's confidence with her friends. 
2758. A night with just a sleepy Imi. 
2759. Silence. 
2760. A hundred years of "something for the girls."


2741. Warm hats
2742. Time with friends. 
2743. Beautiful autumn leaves. 
2744 Oxfordshire. 
2745. Other people's conversations. 
2746. Charity shops. 
2747. Vintage curiosity shops. 
2748. Stone benches. 
2749. Honesty. 
2750. November. 

Sunday, 10 November 2013


2731. Electricity
2732. Batteries. 
2733. Silicone. 
2734. Healing. 
2735. Peace. 
2736. Communion. 
2737. Wheels. 
2738. Parkin. 
2739. Friends. 
2740. Imi's voice. 

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


2721. Glasses. 
2722. Free education. 
2723. The ability to read. 
2724. Friends willing to do a little of the fighting. 
2725. My God who goes before me, stands beside me, guides me. 
2726. Two girls who are worth all the tiredness in the world. 
2727. A week in Tenby. 
2728. Horizontal rain which stopped before I needed to drive. 
2729. Friends. 
2880. Giggly little girls. 


2711. Soft mattresses. 
2712. Flannel sheets. 
2713. Feather and down duvets. 
2714. Thick curtains. 
2715. Double thickness walls. 
2716. Chicken casserole. 
2717. Coconut oil. 
2718. Much-loved DVDs. 
2719. Toblerone. 
2720. Temporary hibernation. 

Saturday, 5 October 2013


2701. Being the only person awake in a peaceful household. 
2702. Early morning productivity.
2703. A clear mind after a solid sleep. 
2704. Coffee and plans. 
2705. Clear floors. 
2706. Small child waking up for snuggly "just you and me, Mummy" cuddles. 
2707. Insulation  
2708. Cut flowers. 
2709. Small child singing. 
2710. Lentils. 

Tuesday, 1 October 2013


2601. Sympathy. 
2602. Empathy. 
2603. Care. 
2604. Concern. 
2605. Honesty. 
2606. Helpfulness. 
2607. People going above and beyond. 
2608. Garlic battered tofu.
2609. Support. 
2610. Silence. 
2611. Friendship. 
2612. Potato gnocchi. 
2613. Autumn leaves. 
2614. Windfall apples. 
2615. Perfect pears. 
2616. Inspired fabric designers. 
2617. Anointed worship leaders. 
2618. The eloquence of a yes/no chat with my daughter. 
2619. God With Us as we move into a new phase of life. 
2620. My shiny laminator. 
2621. Being able to print from my phone. 
2622. New beginnings. 
2623. Fragile earth. 
2624. Regional accents in all their varieties. 
2625. Mary Berry. 
2626. Paul Hollywood. 
2627. Hopeful bakers. 
2628. Words of encouragement. 
2629. Bacon butties.  
2630. Satisfaction. 
2631. Comfort. 
2632. Shelter. 
2633. Praise. 
2634. Clean air. 
2635. Pure water. 
2636. Choice.
2637. Freedom. 
2638. Diversity. 
2639. Time. 
2640. Seasons. 
2641. Memories. 
2642. Traditions. 
2643. Harmony. 
2644. Discovering unexpected talents in our newest bunch of Guides. 
2645. Seeing the weak made strong. 
2646. Watching the older girls grow in maturity. 
2647. The privilege of watching friend's children grow. 
2648. Adoption. 
2649. Dreams. 
2650. Companionship. 
2651. New solutions. 
2652. The exquisite softness of Benjamin's belly fluff. 
2653. Warm cats on my lap on a cool afternoon. 
2654. The joy of having finished one obligation. 
2655. Appreciation. 
2656. Eternity. 
2657. Being made Sons and Heirs. 
2658. Reunions. 
2659. Chutneys. 
2660. Free garlic. 
2661. Spaghetti squash. 
2662. Snails upon snails upon snails, twisting and coiling inside the fish tank and keeping it clean. 
2663. People who want to share the load. 
2664. Clean floors. 
2665. Folded laundry. 
2666. Two lost-and-found purses in one day, both untouched. 
2667. Generosity. 
2668. Enthusiasm. 
2669. Wellington boots. 
2670. Body art. 
2671. The body of Christ, in all our misshapen antagonistic fallible  unity. 
2672. Lilies on a lake. 
2673. Virginia creeper. 
2674. Gladioli. 
2675. Candle flames. 
2676. Accommodating bus drivers. 
2677. Portable hoists. 
2678. Security. 
2679. Healthcare. 
2680. Safety. 
2681. A voice for a friend. 
2682. The Barns Café. 
2683. Mushroom makhani. 
2684. Thai rice. 
2685. Rosti. 
2686. Strangers who cycled a thousand mild to raise money for ROSY. 
2689. Volunteers working behind so many scenes. 
2690. Drs. 
2691. Nurses. 
2692. Nursing agencies. 
2693. Integrity. 
2694. CBBC. 
2696. CBeebies. 
2697. Family. 
2698. Tambourines. 
2699. Petrol stations. 
2700. Hot fresh doughnuts. 

Sunday, 22 September 2013


2551. Grace alone. 
2552. Christ alone. 
2553. Fabric designers. 
2554. Interconnected friends. 
2555. Acceptance. 
2556. Improvements. 
2557. The silence of the night. 
2558. Caring carers. 
2559. Liturgy. 
2560. Songwriters. 
2561. Fresh voices speaking eternal truths. 
2562. Children's authors. 
2563. Musicians. 
2564. Brave music teachers. 
2565. Family. 
2566. Shared vision. 
2567. Encouragement. 
2568. Jasmine. 
2569. Rest. 
2570. The NHS. 
2571. Unconditional love. 
2572. Unlimited forgiveness. 
2573. Letter writers. 
2574. Volunteers. 
2575. Thinkers. 
2576. Planners. 
2577. Shiningly beautiful teenagers, radiating youth and innocence. 
2578. A full moon. 
2579. Warm Autumn days. 
2580. Thick curtains. 
2581. Roast dinners. 
2582. Scrambled egg. 
2583. The Great British BakeOff. 
2584. Honesty. 
2585. Companionship. 
2586. Effective coughs. 
2587. A welcoming church. 
2588. Hope. 
2589. Croissants and soft butter. 
2590. Local honey. 
2591. Great Grannie. 
2592. Sharp needles. 
2593. Strong thread. 
2594. God's perfect timing. 
2595. Seasons. 
2596. Lime shower gel. 
2597. Patience. 
2598. Gray hairs. 
2599. Hospitality. 
2600. Sleep.  

Sunday, 15 September 2013


2526. Grace. 
2527. Enthusiasm. 
2528. Closeness. 
2529. Family time. 
2530. Barbecue pizza. 
2531. Smiles from a tired girl. 
2532. A family sized kitchen. 
2533. Baking together. 
2534. Candles against the autumn chill. 
2535. Autumn. 
2536. Drawing curtains against the world. 
2537. Small pleasures. 
2538. Getting back into some kind of family routine. 
2539. Hope. 
2540. Our God is able. 
2541. Hospitality. 
2542. Puddles. 
2543. Abundant apples. 
2544. Crumble and custard. 
2545. Warm jumpers. 
2546. Fluffy dressing gowns. 
2547. Sats seconds and service manuals. 
2548. The Internet. 
2549. Community. 
2550. Church. 

Tuesday, 10 September 2013


2501. Honest discussions
2502. Mini apples
2503. Magnetic growing rods.
2504. A painless, trauma-free hospital appointment.
2505. Walking out of hospital with a taller child!
2506. Autumn.
2507. Two girls both home again.
2508. Transparent fish.
2509. Grolly practicing sitting on a lap.
2510. Chilli bean soup.
2511. Blended.
2512. Freshly ironed laundry.
2513. Appointments falling into place.
2514. Wheat free flours.
2515. Plans for a bake-fest with a friend.
2516. A love quilt on a child's bed here at home where she belongs.
2517. Small smiles.
2518. Drawn curtains.
2519. Lit candles.
2520. Sweet smelling coffee.
2521. A place to call home.
2522. Friends to act as sounding boards.
2523. A shared journey.
2524. Falling apples.
2525. Rain on a flat roof.

Friday, 6 September 2013


2491. Safe spaces for scary memories. 
2492. Healing words. 
2493. A perfect Brother Jesus. 
2494. Rib cracking cuddles. 
2495. Security. 
2496. Loving staff. 
2497. Scrummy babies to grin at ridiculously. 
2498. Chefs with pride in their work. 
2499. Volunteers willing to come and do the unglamorous  and unnoticed work of cleaning toys with toothbrushes and disinfectant. 
2500. Lavender under the pillow. 

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


2481. Nights with friends. 
2482. Craftsmanship. 
2483. Not having to drive. 
2484. The start of term. 
2485. A child trying to think. 
2486. Fluffy soft new dressing gown. 
2487. Blanket stitch. 
2488. Honesty. 
2489. Supermarket school uniforms. 
2490. Beautiful One  

Sunday, 1 September 2013


2471. An unexpectedly appropriate sermon. 
2472. Friends' happiness. 
2473. Finding forgotten photos. 
2474. Functional computers. 
2475. Understanding respite carers. 
2476. Chocolate brownie cheesecake goo. 
2477. Roast chicken. 
2478. A child wielding a Hoover. 
2479. Jobs done. 
2480. September. 

Saturday, 31 August 2013


2461. A friend who shares interests with A. 
2462. Sprinklers. 
2463. Creativity. 
2464. Children planning. 
2465. A child striving for politeness. 
2466. Rest. 
2467. Days flying past. 
2468. Snippets of song from people passing my window. 
2469. New school shoes. 
2470. Sliding into sleep. 

Friday, 30 August 2013


2451. Teenagers. 
2452. Tape. 
2453. Kiss attacks. 
2454. Late nights. 
2455. Shared jokes. 
2456. Barbecues. 
2457. Growing understanding. 
2458. Memories. 
2459. Friendships. 
2460. God my Refuge. 

Thursday, 29 August 2013


2441. Plans. 
2442. Good news. 
2443. Friendly neighbours. 
2444. Happy fish. 
2445. Friends. 
2446. Big fat greasy salt and vinegared chip shop chips.  
2447. Poached eggs. 
2448. Reclining wheelchairs. 
2449. Tired children. 
2450. Song of Songs. 

Tuesday, 27 August 2013


2431. A huge team of willing volunteers, taking on 115 children for holiday club. 
2432. Not having to be one of them!
2433. My God, my Friend. 
2434. Conversations with my daughter's friends. 
2435. Wise friends with older children. 
2436. The ability to take deep breaths. 
2437. Two weeks' laundry, all neatly ironed. 
2438. A child trying hard to be polite. 
2439. "Walk with me, Mummy, because you are my friend."
2440. Inclusion. 

Friday, 23 August 2013


2421. Home comforts. 
2422. Fellowship. 
2423. Hot taps. 
2424. Mum's apple crumble and custard. 
2425. Care. 
2426. Perfect Love. 
2427. Cats happy to be home. 
2428. Forgiveness. 
2429. Comfort. 
2430. Lens ups. 

Friday, 16 August 2013


2401. Busy days. 
2402. Green fields. 
2403. Renewing friendships. 
2404. Joy and sorrow. 
2405. The world through a toddler's eyes. 
2406. A tea tent. 
2407. Caring nurses. 
2408. Moulded wheelchairs. 
2409. Sunshine on a rainy day. 
2410. More limited Internet creating wider real time communications. 
2411. Rain drumming on tent rooves. 
2412. The ability of thin fabric to withstand the onslaught. 
2413. Lying between my girls enjoying the elements. 
2414. Waterproof electric hookups. 
2415. Soft carpet on bare feet. 
2416. Early morning peace. 
2417. Healing sleep. 
2418. Trains in the night. 
2419. A week where disabled is normal. 
2420. Alpacas. 

Monday, 12 August 2013


2381. Ironed laundry. 
2382. Supermarkets. 
2383. Local markets. 
2384. Recipe books. 
2385. Multiple generations. 
2386. Thinking space. 
2387. Oxygen deliveries. 
2388. Medication deliveries. 
2389. Green and Blacks cooking chocolate. 
2390. Brownie taste testing. 
2391. Marble runs. 
2392. The ability to draw breath. 
2393. Hospitals. 
2394. Understanding friends. 
2395. Cafés. 
2396. Fish pie. 
2397. Knitting wool. 
2398. Salt. 
2399. Activities. 
2400. Volunteers. 

Thursday, 8 August 2013


2371. Prayer. 
2372. Antibiotics. 
2373. Faithfulness. 
2374. Generations. 
2375. Mischief. 
2376. Hands. 
2377. Courage. 
2378. Teaching. 
2379. Life. 
2380. Sausages. 

Wednesday, 7 August 2013


2351. Intermittent signal strength - enough to stay connected for emergencies but not enough to get distracted from the here by the everywhere else. 
2352. Finally sleeping children. 
2353. Portable back up equipment and treatment plans. 
2354. Beautiful evenings. 
2355. Adult mornings. 
2356. Lies broken. 
2357. Truth spoken. 
2358. Excited children. 
2359. Pink and golden clouds. 
2360. Help. 
2361. Worship everywhere. 
2362. Comfy chairs. 
2363. Love. 
2364. Ministry. 
2365. Time in the presence of God. 
2366. Food cooked by someone else. 
2367. Warm layers of blankets. 
2368. My own pillow. 
2369. Time. 
2370. History. 

Saturday, 3 August 2013


2331. Nail varnish
2332. Nail varnish remover. 
2333. Family. 
2334. Open house. 
2335. Suitcases. 
2336. A large van. 
2337. A portable 'fridge. 
2338. A mostly watertight garage. 
2339. A freezer. 
2340. A tent. 
2341. Gaps between showers. 
2342. Mennonite music. 
2343. Pillows. 
2344. Blankets. 
2345. Maps. 
2346. Water bottles. 
2347. Communication. 
2348. Rest. 
2349. Acceptance. 
2350. Patience. 

Friday, 2 August 2013


2311. Technically-minded friends 
2312. A busy kitchen. 
2313. A bustling house. 
2314. Family home again. 
2315. Children's instant friendships.
2316. A very noisy 11 year old. 
2317. Friends who are too polite to notice when I've clearly forgotten to brush my hair. 
2318. New skills. 
2319. Progress. 
2320. Little chicken eggs. 
2321. Chocolate brownies. 
2322. A small spot of tidying up. 
2322. Peace of kind from admin completed.
2323. Long, long phone calls with a friend. 
2324. Lazy afternoons drinking tea. 
2325. Days when patience isn't hard to find. 
2326. Suitcases. 
2327. Tent carpets. 
2328. A summer getting ever busier. 
2329. Open house. 
2330. Holding plans loosely. 

Wednesday, 31 July 2013


2301. Clinell wipes
2302. Disposable bed pads. 
2303. Alcohol gel. 
2304. Washable slippers. 
2305. Wipeable floors. 
2306. Baths. 
2307. Laps. 
2308. Clean clothes. 
2309. A shared sense of humour. 
2310. The friend who asked me to share her particular blessings today!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013


2291. Safe places. 
2292. Caring staff. 
2293. Extra help. 
2294. Laughing with a friend until tears run down my cheeks. 
2295. Georgette Heyer. 
2296. Rice. 
2297. Sunny intervals. 
2298. Puppy pictures. 
2299. Anonymous kindness. 
2300. Infinite mercies. 

Sunday, 28 July 2013


2271. Tea and coffee are good, but worshipping God is better.
2272. A place to do both.
2273. Getting to grips with new technology.
2274. Summer rain.
2275. Risotto.
2276. Babies growing friendships.
2277. Visits from old friends.
2278. A child's desire to help.
2279. Fast drying floors.
2280. Connections.
2281. White fluffy clouds.
2282. Mutual silliness.
2283. Introducing "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" to a fascinated 11 year old.
2284. A family day.
2285. Cats on fences and in boxes and under blankets.
2286. Singing. With and without words.
2287. Steroids.
2288. Green grass and mud.
2289. Wellies and waterproofs.
2290. 7 days until New Wine.

Friday, 26 July 2013


2261. Soap
2262. Alcohol gel.
2263. Medication.
2264. Disinfectant.
2265. Shared experiences.
2266. Improving health.
2267. Silent nights.
2268. Helpful teens.
2269. A God who carries it all.
2270. Perky cats

Thursday, 25 July 2013


2251. Volunteers.
2252. Air freshener.
2253. Freezers.
2254. One set of forms safely off.
2255. Improving health.
2256. Melted cheese.
2257. Respite.
2258. Cooler evenings.
2259. Electricity.
2260. Other people's patience.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


2241. The end of term.
2242. Friends to celebrate with.
2243. Ventolin.
2244. Big fat raindrops.
2245. Disinfectant.
2246. Cream teas.
2247. Our God is all He says He is.
2248. Friends home again.
2249. Comfy pillows.
2250. Broken chains.

Sunday, 21 July 2013


2223. So many friends.
2224. Connections.
2225. Watching tLP starting to self propel again.
2226. A washing machine with a quiet spin.
2227. Sprinklers on dry rosemary and oregano.
2228. Cabbage white butterflies.
2229. Cabbage white caterpillars on my broccoli.
2230. Children chewing cherries in the sun.
2231. Back up medical devices.
2232. An easily locate-able trip switch.
2233. A cooker which didn't feel the need to reset its clock when the trip switch went.
2234. Cats finding cool spots.
2235. Self-resolving seizures.
2236. Cooler days.
2237. Small gifts.
2238. Hospitality in the midst of chaos.
2239. The perfect cup of tea.
2240. The power of prayer.

Friday, 19 July 2013


2201. Fish.
2202. Lamb.
2203. Soft fresh bread
2204. Just-not-melted butter.
2205. Two minutes alone in the garden to breathe.
2206. A network of friends.
2207. Bones knitting together.
2208. Confidence.
2209. Calm advocacy.
2210. Wise advice.
2211. Shared stories.
2212. Endurance.
2213. Amazing persistence.
2214. Small kindnesses.
2215. A small girl's school report.
2216. A larger girl still breathing.
2217. Carers.
2218. Cups of tea.
2219. Breeze through my open window.
2220. Foreign language students enjoying lazy evenings.
2221. God the master weaver of this knotted life we live.
2222. Symmetry.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


2191. Flexible respite.
2192. Serendipity.
2193. Access to medicines and decent health care.
2194. Sleeping children.
2195. Snuggly cats.
2196. Fast food.
2197. Tap water.
2198. Memories.
2199. Compassion.
2200. Singing really loudly with small children.

Sunday, 14 July 2013


2181. Clarity.
2182. Truth.
2183. Hope.
2184. Communion.
2185. Trust.
2186. Forgiveness.
2187. Restoration.
2188. Mercy.
2189. Grace.
2190. Sprinklers.

Saturday, 13 July 2013


2171. Ice cream outside on a sunny day.
2172. Beautiful friendly dogs.
2173. Friends in matching outfits.
2174. Tired smiles.
2175. Air conditioning in our van.
2176. Dappled shade.
2177. Closeness.
2178. Hugging a sleeping child.
2179. Suction.
2180. Sleep.

Thursday, 11 July 2013


2161. Raspberries and jasmine, intertwined.
2162. Cotton lavender.
2163. No hosepipe ban.
2164. Abundant honeysuckle.
2165. Friends unhurt in a car crash.
2166. A child safely through surgery.
2167. New Wine tickets received.
2168. A hundred different sillinesses.
2169. The grace of cats.
2170. Gentle warmth.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


2151. New bed linen.
2152. Cool evenings.
2153. A sleeping household.
2154. Respite nurses.
2155. Clean floors.
2156. Sprinklers.
2157. Sweet peas.
2158. Nuns having fun in the sun.
2159. Loving carers.
2160. A love that keeps on giving.

Monday, 8 July 2013


2141. Inclusive music making.
2142. Honeysuckle and barbecue wafting gently.
2143. A school which emails information letters when a child is off sick.
2144. Warm evenings orienteering with the Guides.
2145. Watching younger girls realising they are in fact the older, responsible ones.
2146. Seeing the delight on a girl's face when a compass suddenly makes sense.
2147. A cat demanding a super soppy snuggle.
2148. Helpful receptionists.
2149. The power of prayer.
2150. Out of control childhood giggles.

Sunday, 7 July 2013


2131. Sun-warmed raspberries, fresh from the garden.
2132. Well-soaked grass.
2133. Petunias.
2134. Music drifting over garden walls.
2135. Slow sunsets.
2136. Quiet fans.
2137. An evening with four settled children.
2138. Houseguests who enjoy dipping into our lives.
2139. Cuddles with snuggly pyjama'd small children.
2140. Accidental prawn curries.

Friday, 5 July 2013


2121. Forgiveness.
2122. Mercy.
2123. Grace.
2124. Sacrificial love.
2125. Butterflies.
2126. Bumble bees.
2127. Honeysuckle.
2128. Beauty in small things.
2129. Encouragement.
2130. Peace.


2111. Friends with power tools.
2112. Vegetable plantlets.
2113. Summer projects.
2114. Motability.
2115. Charcoal.
2116. Imagination.
2117. Melatonin.
2118. School staff.
2119. Clean clothes.
2120. Fresh starts.

Sunday, 30 June 2013


2101. Grandparent times.
2102. Matching socks.
2103. Water fight weather.
2104. Kindness from church members.
2105. New stories from a favourite author.
2106. Lump free blends.
2107. Changing times.
2108. A house quiet enough to hear cats crunching cat food.
2109. Grand Designs: 8 year old style.
2110. No Condemnation.


2081. Waves of energy
2082. Friendly children.
2083. Chalks.
2084. Big white friendly daisies.
2085. Raspberry canes filled with promise.
2086. Honeysuckle
2087. Good drying days.
2088. Snuggly cats.
2089. Sun cream.
2090. Wood pigeon.
2091. A move towards independent showers.
2092. Round pebbles.
2093. Untimetabled days.
2094. An overflowing freezer.
2095. Dreams.
2096. Help.
2097. Fresh breeze.
2098. Resting children.
2099. Quiet times.
2100. Understanding.

Friday, 28 June 2013


2071. Ripple mattresses.
2072. Bacon, Brie and cranberry.
2073. Friends it's ok to be tired with.
2074. Quiet evenings.
2075. Loving cats.
2076. Imi giggles.
2077. Designers.
2078. Not having to explain.
2079. Excited toddlers.
2080. Sunset.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013


2061. Warm wind.
2062. Puffy clouds.
2063. Roses in full bloom.
2064. Sweet strawberries and cream.
2065. Soft green grass.
2066. The gentle creak of a wooden swingseat.
2067. Flowing water.
2068. Guacamole.
2069. Calmness.
2070. The Lord my Shepherd.

Saturday, 22 June 2013


2051. Wheelchair tig.
2052. Reverse pass the parcel (decoupage).
2053. Singing in the sensory bus.
2054. Friends chatting.
2055. Multiple cakes.
2056. An 11 year old girl and her very best friend, surrounded by an ocean of other friends all celebrating.
2057. Friends willing to spend all day chopping, slicing, fetching and carrying, washing up and helping out to make a special day happen.
2058. A full house.
2059. Friends sharing our joy even as it deepens their own sadnesses.
2060. Love.

Friday, 21 June 2013


2041. Dairy free, gluten free, wheat free, soya free chocolate cake mixes.
2042. Quiet washing machines.
2043. Crispy duck pancakes.
2044. Gentle evenings.
2045. A friend passing her degree.
2046. Effective painkillers.
2047. A quietly busy day.
2048. An 11 year old excited about her party.
2049. An 8 year old who has earned her own spending money and chosen how to spend it.
2050. Children holding hands.

Thursday, 20 June 2013


2031. Visitors who cook, even when not eating themselves.
2032. Salmon and spinach.
2033. Tired children.
2034. The Barns Cafe.
2035. Lazy afternoons.
2036. Ripe strawberries.
2037. Our God the Healer.
2038. Helpful friends.
2039. Summer plans slotting into place.
2040. Warm days.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


2021. A full house.
2022. A birthday girl.
2023. Friends
2024. My can back on my drive (and a skip back wherever it is skips go back to).
2025. Busy days.
2026. Sleeping children.
2027. Birthday cake.
2028. Coffee in the garden.
2029. Toddler diction.
2030. This life I have been given.

Monday, 17 June 2013


2011. The luxury of being able to replace mouse-eaten bedding.
2012. A properly flushing toilet.
2013. Learning something new about my daughter.
2014. The even bigger luxury of an overflowing 'fridge.
2015. Clean air to breathe.
2016. Meaningful conversations.
2017. A child's desire to help.
2018. GirlGuiding.
2019. Energy.
2020. A signed off to do list.

Sunday, 16 June 2013


2001. Rodent-proof tent bags
2002. Cotton towels
2003. Pizza
2004. Buscopan.
2005. God the master healer.
2006. Space in the skip for lilos and sleeping bag.
2007. Giggles with the girls.
2008. Accurate thermometers.
2009. Cool evenings.
2010. The chance to get to church.

Saturday, 15 June 2013


1991. A beautiful garden.
1992. A beautiful home I'm loving more and more as it grows bigger as I clean.
1993. Jim Henson's creative genius.
1994. More people collecting my rubbish.
1995. God's amazingly perfect timing.
1996. Being held in His hands so securely.
1997. Kindly neighbours.
1998. Blank walls.
1999. Confectioners custard.
2000. Purposeful days.

Friday, 14 June 2013


1981. Bleach.
1982. Rags.
1983. Caustic soda.
1984. Fine weather.
1985. Sturdy clothes horses.
1986. A coffee and lunch break with friends.
1987. Increased space.
1988. Inventive sitters.
1989. Acceptance.
1990. Memories.


1971. Friends who volunteer to come out and watch Star Trek
1972. Friends who can make each other laugh until they choke (sorry children, not something I ever want to grow too old for).
1973. Neighbours and passersby who want the rubbish I'm throwing out.
1974. Being the age that I am, right here, right now.
1975. A house growing steadily larger again.
1976. Discovering the mammoth mouse yuck in the playroom/spare room before using it to host guests next week.
1977. A beautiful waxing crescent moon.
1978. A good day's work done.
1979. The smell of clean.
1980. Good health.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013


1961. Skips.
1962. A strong back.
1962. Strong arms.
1963. Help.
1964. A really, truly, properly, all-the-way clean bedroom.
1965. Sanitising wipes.
1966. Hot water.
1967. A working washing machine.
1968. Satisfaction from hard work.
1969. A soft, comfortable mattress.
1970. Peace.

Monday, 10 June 2013


1951. Sitting in companionable silence.
1952. The strength and courage of one small girl.
1953. My God whose eye is on the sparrow (and the chicken).
1954. Peaceful afternoons.
1955. Girls puzzling out the Guide Laws.
1956. Chewy chocolate biscuits.
1957. Coffee.
1958. PVA glue.
1959. Hope
1960. Plans.

Saturday, 8 June 2013


1941. A fine day.
1942. A school fête.
1943. The Happy Plaice.
1944. Tombolas and hooking ducks and other summer fête fun.
1945. Bedrest afterwards.
1946. A quiet evening.
1947. The scent of fireworks mixed with summer blossoms.
1948. Tired children.
1949. Piles of clean laundry.
1950. Giggles from tickles.

Friday, 7 June 2013


1931. Really ripe Brie.
1932. Friends to eat it with.
1933. Small child willing to leave the house.
1934. The Barns Cafe; yummy food just a few minutes' walk away.
1935. Carers doubling up.
1936. Mouse free life.
1937. Thyme,
1938. Oregano.
1939. And rosemary.
1940. Growing freely in my garden. And the garden to grow them in.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


1921. Diversions for a child in pain.
1922. Play therapy.
1923. A beautiful view from her bedroom window.
1924. Card-playing cats.
1925. Contact with the outside world.
1926. Gentle head strokes.
1927. Reassurance.
1928. Smiles and giggles from the older one, who has ignored me up til now.
1929. Post.
1930. Grandad's height adjustable table.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


1911. Differences.
1912. Compassion.
1913. Understanding.
1914. Acceptance, even without understanding.
1915. Two happy cats.
1916. A Piccadilly Circus kind of a day.
1917. Discussion.
1918. A God who meets us wherever we happen to be.
1919. Community.
1920. Summer optimism.

Monday, 3 June 2013


1901. Both girls home with me again.
1902. And both girls sleeping.
1903. Respite nursing.
1904. A nap.
1905. PDF.
1906. Inadvertently being the answer to someone else's prayer - love it when that happens!
1907. Warm sunshine.
1908. No shuffly mouse-sounds.
1909. Long distance chats.
1910. Friends at different stages of life.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

1891 - 1900

1891. Church youth.
1892. Resilience.
1893. Freshly cut grass.
1894. Bumble bees in rosemary.
1895. Carers.
1896. An 8 year old's determination.
1897. Pizza and sausages.
1898. Broccoli.
1899. Spirit Fire.
1900. Soul peace.

Saturday, 1 June 2013


1881. Sunshine.
1882. Allium
1883. St Clements.
1884. Ironed t-shirts.
1885. Extra helpful respite carers.
1886. A gentle day.
1887. Grannie's skills with the scissors.
1888. Admin achieved.
1889. Silliness shared.
1890. Help coming.

Friday, 31 May 2013


1871. My bed.
1872. Clean sheets.
1873. This house.
1874. Positioning pillows.
1875. Hospital pharmacies.
1876. Discharge doctors.
1877. Friends to while away the hours (and carry all our luggage).
1878. Safe journeys home.
1879. Post.
1880. Anniversaries.

Thursday, 30 May 2013


1861. Visitors offering distraction (destruction?) therapy.
1862. Deli sandwiches.
1863. Flatter stomach.
1864. Child with an appetite.
1865. Parking spaces.
1866. Discharge plans.
1867. Kind hearted nurses.
1868. Beautiful views.
1869. Definite progress in the right direction.
1870. Smiles.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013


1851. The right doctor.
1852. An explanation.
1853. Better pain control.
1854. A flushed line.
1855. Alternating pressure mattress.
1856. Shampoo caps.
1857. Return to regular working week bringing play specialists and clinical nurses.
1858. A view of clouds and sky.
1859. Decoupage - the perfect messy craft to try from bed.
1860. Sleep.

Monday, 27 May 2013


1841. Drs who listen
1842. Portable equipment.
1843. IV fluids.
1844. Laundry services.
1845. Disposable sick bowls.
1846. Unphased cousins.
1847. Clean dressings.
1848. Smiling nurses.
1849. Black pudding.
1850. Ear phones.

Saturday, 25 May 2013


1831. Pink packing paper straw.
1832. Ripple mattresses.
1833. Codeine.
1834. Distractions.
1835. Comfy hoist slings.
1836. Cyclozine.
1837. A room on the ward.
1838. Friends and relations.
1839. Mostly progress.
1840. Disposables.

Friday, 24 May 2013


1821. Friend's not afraid of needing wellies.
1822. Progress.
1823. Positive physios.
1824. Smiles from a sore girl.
1825. Strawberries.
1826. Ondansetron.
1827. Fleet.
1828. Persistence.
1829. Peace.
1830. Prayers.

Thursday, 23 May 2013


1811. No more hand tubes.
1812. Familiar physios.
1813. Grandparents.
1814. Nice nurses.
1815. Bizarre conversations.
1816. Quentin Blake.
1817. More familiar faces in unexpected places.
1818. An amazing daughter.
1819. Jammy doughnuts.
1820. Healing.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


1801. HDU
1802. Morphine
1803. Expert drs.
1804. Nurses with senses of humour.
1805. Iv paracetamol.
1806. MAGEC rods.
1807. Shorter than planned surgery.
1808. Good friends for company.
1809. Coffee.
1810. Sleep.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


1791. Baileys
1792. Ice.
1793. Psalm 27.14
1794. Suitcases
1795. A big bus.
1796. A good hospital.
1797. The NHS.
1798. One more night in my own bed.
1799. MAGEC rods.
1800. Growing children.

Monday, 20 May 2013


1781. Memories.
1782. New memories.
1783. Enthusiastic pre-teen girls.
1784. Noisily enthusiastic teenage girls.
1785. Giggles from sad girls.
1786. Naturally inclusive girls, finding ways to involve their far less able peers.
1787. Cooking outdoors at 8.30pm.
1788. Traffic light pasta.
1789. Teamwork.
1790. Girl Guides.

Sunday, 19 May 2013


1771. Pentecost.
1772. Roast lamb.
1773. Sooky cats.
1774. Cuddles.
1775. Lego ninja swording.
1776. Long distance friends.
1777. Trains.
1778. Love,
1779. Joy
1780. Peace.

Saturday, 18 May 2013


1761. Unlikely friendships.
1762. Ninja Jedi Princess Policemen with ambulances.
1763. Sprinkles.
1764. Paracetamol.
1765. Shared experiences.
1766. Inclusive play.
1767. Full days.
1768. The possibility of the beginning of a tiny bit of new wisdom in on smallish part of life.
1769. Watching children growing up.
1770. Sugar overload!

Friday, 17 May 2013


1751. Bacon.
1752. Bacon with friends.
1753. Phil Wickham.
1754. Parents.
1755. Oxygen.
1756. Rapeseed fields.
1757. Door runners.
1758. Saturday mornings.
1759. Silence.
1760. Leaning in.

Thursday, 16 May 2013


1741. God is bigger.
1742. Greater.
1743. Holier.
1744. Truer.
1745. More real.
1746. More loving.
1747. More forgiving.
1748. More generally amazingly awesome.
1749. More powerful.
1750. And more open and vulnerable and accepting than I can ever begin to imagine.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013


1731. Rainbows.
1732. Blossom scented Spring rain.
1733. Soft pillows.
1734. Cats sharing space.
1735. Chewy chocolate chip cookies.
1736. Seeing friends.
1737. Central heating.
1738. Wise women.
1739. Piriton.
1740. The Lord my Shepherd.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013


1721. Honesty.
1722. Hospitality.
1723. Healing.
1724. Persistence.
1725. Scorpions.
1726. Unconditional love.
1727. Creator God
1728. Pictures which paint so much more than mere words.
1729. Warm radiators.
1730. Unexpected kindnesses.

Saturday, 11 May 2013


1711. School
1712. Postmen and women.
1713. Magazines.
1714. Spare needles.
1715. Fabric stashes.
1716. Completion.
1717. Caffeine.
1718. Fish pie.
1719. Butterflies.
1720. Easy clean floors.


1701. Slow starts.
1702. Sleeping children.
1703. Birdsong.
1704. Calm cats.
1705. Morning coffee.
1706. Quiet time.
1707. Sun through clouds.
1707. An agenda-free day.
1708. Vinesong.
1709. Super soft and snuggly blankets.
1710. Peace.


Thursday, 9 May 2013


1681. Horse-free meatballs.
1682. Cocalola.
1683. Evening carers.
1684. Afternoon sitters.
1685. Flat cats.
1686. Projects nearly finished.
1687. Ikea.
1688. Dance moves.
1689. Washing machines.
1690. Dandelion carpets.
1691. Daisy carpets.
1692. Empty roads.
1693. Big parking spaces.
1694. Lifts.
1695. Weekend ahead.
1696. Care.
1697. Spare clothing.
1698. Pointy syringes.
1699. Need.
1700. Life.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


1661. Family time.
1662. Closeness.
1663. Chapter books read in installments.
1664. Attention to detail.
1665. Professionals working together.
1666. Friendly faces.
1667. Projects.
1668. My lovely sewing machine.
1669. Recycling.
1670. Scrambled eggs.
1671. Smiles.
1672. School days.
1673. Progress.
1674. Records.
1675. Rain after a few days sun.
1676. Apple blossom.
1677. Acceptance.
1678. Forgiveness.
1679. Growth.
1680. Encouragement.

Sunday, 5 May 2013


1651. Blessings.
1652. Imi responding to a sermon.
1653. Baby chickens.
1654. Friends cooking.
1655. Light saber cricket.
1656. Beautiful nails.
1657. Warm days sitting outside.
1658. meringue nest pavlova.
1659. Daft dogs.
1660. Sleeping children

Saturday, 4 May 2013


1641. A tantrum free day
1642. Baking smells.
1643. Tea with friends.
1644. Lazy afternoons.
1645. Hand rubs.
1646. 8 year old philosophy.
1647. Curry.
1648. Dandelions.
1649. Daisies.
1650. New life.

Friday, 3 May 2013


1631. Days with friends.
1632. Clouds in a blue sky.
1633. Pooh sticks.
1634. Grass.
1635. Warm sun on my shoulders.
1636. Silliness.
1637. Ice cream vans.
1638. Smiles.
1639. Alpacas.
1640. Love.

Thursday, 2 May 2013


1621. Unanimous opinions.
1622. A very lovely anaesthetist who has agreed to work with Amana's priorities.
1623. Living this close to good hospitals.
1624. Community teams rallying around.
1625. Air conditioning.
1626. Clean sheets.
1627. Snuggles with sleepy girls.
1628. Friends to whinge at.
1629. God the master surgeon.
1630. Quiet evenings

Wednesday, 1 May 2013


1611. Plans.
1612. Friends with working printers.
1613. Good news.
1614. In amongst the tantrums, a child who accepted a piece of praise.
1615. Warm sunshine on my shoulders.
1616. Hints of irises to come.
1617. Chats with neighbours.
1618. A borrowed bike helmet which averted a nasty accident this afternoon.
1619. Sweet potatoes.
1620. God my Father.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013


1601. A beautiful sunset.
1602. The chance to enjoy it.
1603. Stanley Spencer.
1604. Stephen Cottrel.
1605. Growing friendships.
1606. Medical advances.
1607. A day with both girls in school.
1608. No tears at bedtime.
1609. Daisies.
1610. Faithful One, so unchanging.

Monday, 29 April 2013


1591. A full house again.
1592. Respite here.
1593. Baby doctors.
1594. Gnocchi.
1595. Girl Guides playing games.
1596. Creative people.
1597. Rest.
1598. Breath.
1599. Safety.
1600. Trust.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

1581 - 1590

1581. Wheelchair access.
1582. Friendly faces in crowded spaces.
1583. One to one time with A.
1584. Safe haven for Mog.
1585. Duck races.
1586. God my Rock.
1587. The theology of small children.
1588. Furniture in the Barns.
1589. Never Once.
1590. Shared memories.

Saturday, 27 April 2013


1571. Refuge.
1572. Peace.
1573. Fresh beginnings. Again and again.
1574. Hail.
1575. Communication.
1576. Understanding.
1577. Closeness.
1578. Faith.
1579. Jesus.
1580. Salvation.

Friday, 26 April 2013


1561. Spring.
1562. Air conditioning.
1563. Ice cream vans.
1564. Healing.
1565. Company.
1566. Strength in weakness.
1567. Bacon, Brie, and cranberries.
1568. Goats.
1569. Cotswold villages.
1570. Paracetamol.


Thursday, 25 April 2013


1551. Clean water.
1552. Warm water.
1553. Comfortable chairs.
1554. Electricity.
1555. Help.
1556. Jehovah Jireh.
1557. Friends as mad as I am.
1558. Solemn speeches by small girls.
1559. Mercy new every morning.
1560. Strength to face the day.

Wednesday, 24 April 2013


1541. Community nurses.
1542. School nurses.
1543. Hospice nurses.
1544. Play specialists.
1545. Children's counsellors.
1546. Working suction pumps.
1547. Oxygen.
1548. Support.
1549. Sleep.
1550. Snuggles.


Tuesday, 23 April 2013


1531. Delicious home cooked food, home cooked by someone else.
1532. Friends to eat it with.
1533. More laughing. Always laughing.
1534. Sitters unphased by breathing machines and seizures.
1535. Matt Redman.
1536. Forgiveness. Constant forgiveness.
1537. Finding pathways through the wilderness.
1538. Love.
1539. Understanding.
1540. Peace after exhaustion.

Monday, 22 April 2013


1521. A full house once again.
1522. Effective medication.
1523. Cuddles.
1524. A mild evening.
1525. Girls cooking.
1526. Watching teamwork in action.
1527. A girl's love for her dog.
1528. Breathing space.
1529. Big thinks.
1530. Bumpers.

Saturday, 20 April 2013


1511. Friendship.
1512. Honesty.
1513. Openness
1514. God.
1515. New Wine.
1516. Hope.
1517. Mourning.
1518. Sunshine over water.
1519. Bouncing dogs.
1520. Love.

Friday, 19 April 2013


1501. Road trips with a friend.
1502. Seafood by the sea.
1503. Seagulls.
1504. Potteries.
1505. People watching (and listening).
1506. Comfy beds.
1507. Silliness.
1508. Peace.
1509. Plans for tomorrow.
1510. Lamb with onion marmalade.

Thursday, 18 April 2013


1491. Warm sunshine.
1492. Pink blossom
1493. Wild wind.
1494. Blue sky.
1495. An empty house.
1496. Silly giggles from a sleepy girl.
1497. Sunset over Oxford.
1498. Treats ahead.
1499. Soda farls.
1500. My God who gave me all of these.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


1481. Loopy loopy cats.
1482. Friends who bring coffee.
1483. Friends who can make a social evening out of a lengthy phone call.
1484. Imagination.
1485. Forgiveness.
1486. Plans for a weekend.
1487. Daffodils which smell of lilies.
1488. A's determination to succeed.
1489. Bacon and onion pasta.
1490. Managers who want to make it better.


Sunday, 14 April 2013


1461. Words.
1462. Smiles.
1463. Eye contact.
1464. Shared tasks.
1465. Companionship.
1466. Restoration.
1467. Big tall beautiful daffodils.
1468. Sunshine.
1469. Cornbread.
1470. Support.

Friday, 12 April 2013


1451. Safe journeys home.
1452. Happy well fed cats.
1453. My own bed.
1454. Chapter books.
1455. Dreams.
1456. Good health.
1457. More memories made.
1458. My own familiar kitchen, with nice big mugs.
1459. Clean sheets which smell of my own washing liquid.
1460. Eggs.

Thursday, 11 April 2013


1441. Panoramic artistically designed vistas.
1442. Meandering rivers.
1443. Sheep in a car park.
1444. Celeriac and potatoes.
1445. Giggly children.
1446. Derbyshire oatcakes.
1447. Helpful tour guides.
1448. Passing points on narrow roads.
1449. Takeaway tea cups.
1450. Fine drizzle.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


1431. Dogs with bouncy balls.
1432. Chickens laying eggs on walls.
1433. Not meeting traffic on ridiculously narrow roads.
1434. Eating lunch outside.
1435. Friends holding hands.
1436. A spare button.
1437. Jelly babies.
1438. Trees in blossom.
1439. Derelict Halls
1440. Peaks and valleys and dry stone walls.


1421. Curious lambs.
1422. Friendly ducks.
1423. Burgeoning friendship between a toddler and a bigger girl.
1424. Daffodils and snowdrops and primroses.
1425. Wobbly very baby lambs.
1426. Wibbledy wobbledy roads over the moors.
1427. Cheese and wine.
1428. Sleeping settled children.
1429. Views views views.
1430. Cosy stoves with nest-free chimneys.

Monday, 8 April 2013


1411. Empty roads.
1412. Easy driving.
1413. Pat the Sat.
1414. Friendly hosts.
1415. Lovely friends.
1416. Homemade bread.
1417. Awesomely spectacularly wonderfully amazingly stunning scenery.
1418. "God is very very very clever to make it so pretty."
1419. Being here this week when the snow is a memory and a collection of drifts, not an impassable barrier.
1420. Hungry lambs.

Sunday, 7 April 2013


1401. Walking outside without a coat.
1402. A big sister enjoying winding up her littler sister again.
1403. Nail varnish tart.
1404. Sweet smelling soap.
1405. Organising towers.
1406. The Twits.
1407. Successful bedtime negotiations.
1408. Family projects.
1409. Giggles.
1410. Clean fresh ironed clothes.

Friday, 5 April 2013


1391. Respite nurses
1392. Three child free hours.
1393. Dorothy Perkins.
1394. Reading Roald Dahl aloud.
1395. The ability to bring pleasure through very small actions.
1396. Community.
1397. Connections.
1398. Comfortable shoes.
1399. Long distance friendships.
1400. Olive bread.

Thursday, 4 April 2013


1381. Support.
1382. Respite staff who clearly, genuinely, delight in my girls.
1383. Carers with chickens.
1384. Tchaikovsky to fall asleep by.
1385. Happy purry cats.
1386. Help with the difficult questions.
1387. Structure even on holiday day.
1388. Tired children.
1389. Carers who like sorting things out.
1390. Warm radiators.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


1371. Slow mornings.
1372. Party food leftovers.
1373. Fromage Fort.
1374. An abundance of supplies.
1375. Temperatures reaching double figures.
1376. Extra pairs of hands.
1377. Patient children.
1378. Friends.
1379. Iridescent fish tails.
1380. Sun-warmed washing.

Monday, 1 April 2013


1361. Grandad with strong arms.
1362. Foam karve seating with wide cushions.
1363. Strong seatbelts.
1364. Helpful passersby.
1365. Sheltered gardens.
1366. Hot tea.
1367. Family days.
1368. Beautiful views.
1369. Impressive cascades.
1370. Capability Brown.

Saturday, 30 March 2013


1351. Multiple wheelchair pileups.
1352. Big boy hugs.
1353. Courtney Courtney!!
1354. Friends with awesome cake making skills.
1355. Kind weather.
1356. Paralympic Sardines!
1357. Baguettes.
1358. Sharing birthday blends with friends.
1359. Picking teams based on presence or absence of tummy tubes.
1360. Beautiful friendships.

Friday, 29 March 2013


1341. Early morning snuggles with the birthday girl.
1342. Sneaky snuggles with the unbirthday girl later on in the morning.
1343. A gaggle of giggly girls.
1344. Sunshine in time for a treasure hunt.
1345. Friends with brooms and guitar tuners.
1346. Pass the parcel.
1347. Happy tired sleeping girls.
1348. Phone calls with cousins.
1349. Hot cross buns.
1350. Forgiveness.

Thursday, 28 March 2013


1331. Cake mix.
1332. Glittery icing spray.
1333. Cold enough weather to turn the van into an extra 'fridge.
1334. Excited children.
1335. Sellotape.
1336. A used wrapping paper stash.
1337. Mostly workable plans.
1338. Walking home from school on the last day of term.
1339. Cellophane.
1340. Birthday dreams.


Wednesday, 27 March 2013


1321. The end of the day.
1322. Supermarkets.
1323. Cake baking friends.
1324. Full house.
1325. Photographs.
1326. Bedtimes without argument.
1327. Guitars with six strings.
1328. Short cycles on the washing machine.
1329. Snowflakes falling from a blue sky.
1330. Drinkable tap water.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013


1311. Small friends, holding hands.
1312. Amana making Grandad's birthday cake By Herself. Including making the candle.
1313. Mini guitars.
1314. Cat related giggles at bedtime.
1315. A good first tweak of respite to cover changing surgery dates.
1316. A slightly earlier surgery date, giving longer recovery before summer camps.
1317. A carer who likes wrapping presents.
1318. Next day delivery.
1319. Daffodils everywhere.
1320. A useful kind of a day.

Monday, 25 March 2013


1301. Seeing Amana performing on stage.
1302. Watching her school friends dance around her, pushing her or passing props, so seamlessly.
1303. Hearing her sing strongly enough to be heard over 59 school friends.
1304. Winning the battle against the lurgy, so she could cope with the whole day.
1305. A friend to share the joy of the performance with, and a friend to pass the afternoon with beforehand.
1306. Snuggles with a sleepy girl before bed.
1307. Cheese and raisins.
1308. A bus driver who saw me running for the stop and waited.
1309. Friends with older children, who can lend out costumes.
1310. Plans coming together.

Sunday, 24 March 2013


1281. Disappearing posts causing me to think of even more reasons.
1282. The King who rides on a donkey.
1283. The surprising power of a palm cross.
1284. Righteousness.
1285. Forsythia.
1286. A tidy garden.
1287. Shredded paper snow.
1288. Sweet and gentle carer.
1289. Giggles from a girl who has been largely switched off today.
1290. A timely reminder that said girl needs her evening meds.
1291. A nearly 8 year old girl who can use the hand blender to mix Birthday cake for Grandad all by herself (but don't tell him).
1292. Dry weather so the cats can chase their fidgets out.
1293. Thick curtains.
1294. Four more days of school.
1295. A cupboard full of medicines.
1296. Wise friends.
1297. Easy meals.
1298. CBBC.
1299. Crafty afternoons.
1300. New books.

Friday, 22 March 2013


1261. Early nights.
1262. Beating the lurgy.
1263. Entertaining auto-corrects.
1264. Proper conversations with children.
1265. Tantrums averted.
1266. Oopsie cookies.
1267. Welsh cakes.
1268. Time with friends.
1269. The soft, soft exposed underbelly of a truly contented cat.
1270. Cat tail moustaches.
1271. Wholesome bloggers.
1272. Theological debate.
1273. Really really clean floors.
1274. Happy plans for the weekend.
1275. The promise of cakes to come.
1276. Caring school staff.
1277. An alarm clock free morning ahead.
1278. Born To Be Different.
1279. Release from a crushing obligation.
1280. Quietly waiting.


Thursday, 21 March 2013


1241. The ability to stay home with a poorly child.
1242. Snuggles and hair strokes.
1243. Gentle conversation on difficult subjects.
1244. Reassurance.
1245. Scraper foil art from "Mummy's special drawer"
1246. Mail order birthday presents.
1247. Mail order guitar strings.
1248. Guitar chords slowly returning to my fingers' memories.
1249. A child who is very forgiving of my mistakes.
1250. Free gas safe checks.
1251. DIY advice on removing remains of the old gas fire.
1252. Positive IEPs.
1253. The discovery of a very dangerous problem with our old van before it killed anyone.
1254. Protection from the problem whilst we were driving around in it.
1255. NHS continuing care provision.
1256. Social services Homecare.
1257. Algae scrapers.
1258. Clean floors.
1259. Friends on phones.
1260. A large load washing machine.

Monday, 18 March 2013


1221. People who get on and do things whilst others hope someone else will.
1222. People who can skip past process and into getting things finished.
1223. People who can keep focused on the goal.
1224. People who slow down to ensure the process is completed correctly.
1225. People who can think sideways to accomplish more than one thing at a time.
1226. People who can take joy in the journey and not worry about whether or not the goal will ever be reached.
1227. People who can press on ahead.
1228. People who step back to allow others to get past.
1229. People who turn around to ensure everyone is included.
1230. People who can shout load to gain attention.
1231. People who have quiet voices which are always heard.
1232. People who have impact without saying a word.
1233. People who quietly prepare the way for others.
1234. People who always remember how you have your coffee.
1235. People who can encourage others just by being present.
1236. People who tend to be absent, in order that others may be present.
1237. People who are always early and massively well prepared.
1238. People who slide in late but gave still somehow made it.
1239. People who have gone through unimaginable experiences.
1240. People. In infinite variety.

Sunday, 17 March 2013


1201. Atonement.
1202. Mercy.
1203. Grace.
1204. Love.
1205. Gratuitous insults from a non-verbal child.
1206. Lunch with friends.
1207. Floaty balloons.
1208. Restaurant staff with sieves.
1209. Nachos.
1210. Attack of the sillies.
1211. Late night phone calls.
1212. Restitution.
1213. Unexpected snowstorms
1214. My little brother on his Birthday.
1215. Multiple coffee pileups.
1216. Memories of a very special boy on his birthday.
1217. Restaurants with extra high tables for wheelchair users.
1218. Bacon.
1219. Trust.
1220. Friends home from hospital to celebrate a third young man's Birthday too.


Thursday, 14 March 2013


1191. Intelligent cats
1192. Padded clothing
1193. Number bonds
1194. Times tables.
1195. A girl finally getting it.
1196. Quick games.
1197. Good losers.
1198. Memory foam
1199. Double digit temperatures.
1200. Protection.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013


1181. Delight of small girls walking the same way home.
1182. Swapping weather tales with another mum.
1183. An accommodating vet.
1184. Cat truce.
1185. Nearly cat forgiveness.
1186. Cat compliance.
1187. Friends with gardening gloves (even if unneeded).
1188. Morning coffee.
1189. Snowflakes falling from a blue sky.
1190. Peace.

Monday, 11 March 2013


1171. Watching girls actively listen and learn active response (emergency action and first aid stuff).
1172. Knowing that some of them may actually save lives with some of their new skills.
1173. Sitting back to listen to them debate what to do themselves and when to call for an adult.
1174. Teaching basic life skills - lighting (and extinguishing) matches.
1175. And making soup and hot chocolate.
1176. Mini marshmallows.
1177. Seeing girls grow in confidence as they master new skills.
1178. Watching girls keeping each other safe.
1179. Enjoying being silly without the pressure of looking good for the boys.
1180. Girl Guiding.


Sunday, 10 March 2013


1161. Church
1162. Communion
1163. A children's blessing
1164. Mothering Sunday
1165. Green shoots straightening out, having been buried under leaves all winter.
1166. Wobbilily written Mother's Day cards
1167. Eternity.
1168. Jesus my redeemer.
1169. Hospital beds.
1170. New treatments.

Friday, 8 March 2013


1151. Cats on knees.
1152. A full house again.
1153. A non-verbal child nagging for foreign holidays.
1154. Bacon, Brie and Cranberry paninis.
1155. Empty bins.
1156. Not-freezing rain.
1157. Miniature potted daffodils.
1158. Farm shops selling instantly tubeable food.
1159. Weekend plans.
1160. Knowing Who holds not just the future but the present.


Thursday, 7 March 2013


1141. Extra extra respite.
1142. Updates on a happy child.
1143. A compliant child at home.
1144. Super saver shopping codes which have actually usefully saved money.
1145. A small boy back on the ward after a big op.
1146. More growing families.
1147. A cleaner who Cleans.
1148. Remembering to put the bins out.
1149. Planning holidays.
1150. Shepherds pie.


Wednesday, 6 March 2013


1131. Effective multidisciplinary teams.
1132. Good news letters.
1133. Knitting great-grandmothers.
1134. Flowers in fireplaces.
1135. Speedy appointments.
1136. Being discharged for having improved.
1137. Buttered quinoa.
1138. Egg rolls.
1139. Yellow roses.
1140. Watching a dippy cat pushing a big toy bus.


Tuesday, 5 March 2013


1121. Volunteers
1122. Charities.
1123. People who quietly get on with what needs to be done.
1124. Songwriters.
1125. Warm sunshine after a bitter morning.
1126. Bonus respite.
1127. Cancelled appointments.
1128. Children who are keen to come to a birthday party.
1129. Big friendly bunches of daffodils.
1130. Encouraging words at just tge right time.


Monday, 4 March 2013


1111. Pleasing numbers.
1112. Granary bread.
1113. Leftovers.
1114. Honest bloggers.
1115. Cat-proof birds.
1116. Crocuses.
1117. "mummy I love you"
1118. Call screening.
1119. Soft lights.
1120. Dedicated carers.


Sunday, 3 March 2013


1101. Orion.
1102. The Plough.
1103. Pleiades.
1104. Spaces without street lights.
1105. The utter insignificance of all my worries compared to the splendour of the heavens.
1106. God who set the stars dancing.
1107. A toddler singing.
1108. A five year old marching.
1109. A pile of wheelchairs filling the hallway.
1110. Happily tired children.


Saturday, 2 March 2013


1091. Burritos
1092. Wheelchair races.
1093. Thermostats.
1094. Yellow roses.
1095. Cat food ordered yesterday, delivered today.
1096. Teeny tiny toddler wheelchairs.
1097. Disability Living Allowance (almost worth the pain the forms bring).
1098. Being able to cook for all our visitors, including those who don't eat orally.
1099. Multiple phone chargers.
1100. Hope in God alone.


Friday, 1 March 2013


1081. White Zinfandel.
1082. Company.
1083. Catharsis.
1084. Clean corners.
1085. Last respects.
1086. Proper hugs.
1087. Tinned tomato soup.
1088. Safety in numbers.
1089. Space to be alone (yes, I know that's contradictory).
1090. Forgiveness new every time I ask.


Thursday, 28 February 2013


1071. Home-based days.
1072. The end of the month.
1073. A cleaning challenge.
1074. A gentle afternoon.
1075. A fourth consecutive night without sedation.
1076. "No Matter What."
1077. Old photographs.
1078. Cupboards with doors which actually close.
1079. Compliments from my daughter.
1080. Quiet evenings.


Wednesday, 27 February 2013

1061 - 1070

1061. Honesty.
1062. Phone call catch ups.
1063. New meds.
1064. A third night in a row without chloral hydrate.
1065. A butter dish.
1066. Cotswold villages.
1067. Crooked smiles.
1068. Facebook.
1069. Feeling my child relax as I take the time to cuddle her.
1070. Flea spray.


Tuesday, 26 February 2013


1051. Blackberry and pear crumble
1052. With pistachios.
1053. And custard.
1054. Beef pie.
1055. A crowded rowdy table of friends.
1056. Pam and George who open their house to us.
1057. A childhood with space to just be me.
1058. Memories.
1059. God my Anchor.
1060. A second night in a row without chloral hydrate.


Monday, 25 February 2013


1031. Sweet smelling laundry liquid.
1032. Unlimited water.
1033. Space to hang several loads of laundry all at once.
1034. Sufficient clothing and bedding to fill several washing machines.
1035. Friends with slightly larger children.
1036. Fleecy pyjamas.
1037. A cleaner who is an expert bedmaker.
1038. The luxury of a clean fresh bed, with pillows and throw smoothed to perfection by said cleaner.
1039. Cats to supervise my sleep.
1040. Telephones which don't need to be kept plugged in so can be stuffed under pillows.
1041. A lonely daffodil, bringing hope to our back garden.
1042. A Christmas tree, which appears to have survived being uprooted and brought inside.
1043. Whoever mysteriously came and cleared away a load or two of leaves from my front garden.
1044. More options for treating epilepsy.
1045. Spare wheelchair covers.
1046. Catching up with friends who moved away a generation ago.
1047. Guides in thoughtful mode.
1048. Guides in playful mode, swimming across the church hall on chairs (don't ask me how!)
1049. People who care, passionately, about people and causes and making things better.
1050. Vet nurses.


Saturday, 23 February 2013


1021. Kind shop assistants.
1022. Happy teenagers.
1023. Competent workmen.
1024. Snowflakes.
1025. Mobile phones.
1026. Respite care staff who really care.
1027. Technology.
1028. Prayer.
1029. Love
1030. Communication.

Friday, 22 February 2013


1011. Doctors... Jay
1011. McShane
1012. Hitchcock
1013. Kundi
1014. Grant
1015. Buckingham
1016. Theologis
1017. Fairbanks
1018. Shaw
1019. Haden
1020. Willets

Wednesday, 20 February 2013


1001. Carpet cleaner (sorry, couldn't resist).
1002. Tea strainers.
1003. Savoury scones.
1004. Cafés with wobbly tables.
1005. Picture windows.
1006. Time with friends.
1007. Shockable teenagers.
1008. Laughing too hard to walk properly.
1009. Trouble-free family evenings.
1010. Binary.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


991. A house of sleep.
992. Super snuggly bedclothes.
993. Quiet peaceful household noises.
994. Breathtakingly cold sunshine with rising mist on fields.
995. Crocuses.
996. A good reality moment.
997. Friends who understand the shortcuts in life conversations.
998. New hope around us.
999. Healthy debate.
1000. Jehovah Jireh.

Monday, 18 February 2013


981. Unexpected conversations.
982. The end of the holidays.
983. An empty laundry pile.
984. Warm radiators to dry it all.
985. A news-free day. So much calmer without the Today Programme.
986. Forgotten chocolate.
987. All our neighbours.
988. The moment when sobbing turns to sleeping.
989. Traceable meat.
990. Precious signs of Spring.

Sunday, 17 February 2013


971. Cousins who make the effort to call in even when we don't return the favour.
972. Grandparents who wash up.
973. Degreasing sprays.
974. Compassion.
975. Really rather tasty chocolate cake.
976. Clear skies.
977. Diversity.
978. The local feline appreciation society.
979. Half term holiday survived.
980. (shhh) A reduction in seizures.


Saturday, 16 February 2013


961. Friendly staff in local shops.
962. Second and third cousins with chocolate.
963. A daughter who can crack eggs,
964. Mix cake batters,
965. Hoover,
966. Feed her big sister,
967. And write long shopping lists.
968. Living somewhere where it is impossible, and potentially illegal, to walk to the shops without bumping into at least one familiar person.
969. Friends and neighbours who forgive how literal that bumping into can be sometimes.
970. New scouring pads.

Friday, 15 February 2013


951. Knowing the One who knows all the answers.
952. A nearly 8 year old who nearly swam alone today.
953. A carpet free house.
954. The honesty of small children.
955. Unexpected generosity of opinion.
956. Peacefully semi busy days.
957. A variety of different painkillers.
958. Silly jokes.
959. Farmer's markets with farmers selling their own meat.
960. The hope of lie-ins.


Thursday, 14 February 2013


941. L m Montgomery.
942. Georgette Heyer.
943. Frances Hodgson Burnett.
944. Kindles.
945. Time off.
946. Craft shops.
947. Watching a small girl giggle because the sentence she had just read all by herself was a really funny one.
948. A bigger child finally sleeping without chloral hydrate.
949. Plans from doctors.
950. Confirmation that I have respite for the nights I plan to be away.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


931. Painless outpatients appointments.
932. Sympathetic security staff.
933. Read-it-yourself bedtime stories.
934. Snow heavy enough to make Oxford pretty, slushy enough not to settle.
935. A daughter independent enough to operate shop lifts by herself, when they are too small for two girls' wheelchairs.
936. Walking into a bookshop, and leaving with actual books, not notebooks and stickers.
937. Waterproof shoes.
938. Warm gloves.
939. Windproof coats.
940. Milk chocolate with nuts in.


Tuesday, 12 February 2013


921. Clear roads south.
922. Easily entertained children.
923. Plans to meet again in the not too distant future.
924. Forgiving cats.
925. Gritters.
926. A new pancake pan.
927. Frozen pancake batter.
928. Relatively painless unpacking.
929. Sorting out troubles before the sun goes down.
930. Perfect peace for troubled minds.

Monday, 11 February 2013


911. Hug attacks.
912. Multiple child pile ups.
913. Accessible tree houses.
914. With rope bridges.
915. And twinkly tree lights.
916. And cakes.
917. Clean cold crisp February days.
918. Aconites.
919. Snowdrops.
920. And willow mazes (today's ten brought to you courtesy of Alnwick Gardens).


Sunday, 10 February 2013


901. Barbecue chicken and sweetcorn.
902. Apple and plum crumble.
903. Toddler babble.
904. Imi and Leroy holding hands in church.
905. The joy on a child's face realising we didn't go home in the night.
906. "I am going to my room by myself to think about my 'haviour."
907. Ramps.
908. Lifts.
909. Helpful teens opening doors.
910. Summer plans.


Saturday, 9 February 2013


891. Empty roads.
892. Patient children.
893. Shared taste in music, making it possibly to drive for five hours on one cd.
894. Beautiful countryside.
895. Really long tunnels.
896. Help unloading the bus.
897. Friends with space for us.
898. The joy of children celebrating their friendship.
899. Four sleeping children.
900. Really comfy guest beds.

Friday, 8 February 2013


881. Company.
882. Kick your shoes off and curl up in a chair company.
883. Comfort.
884. School discos.
885. Bedtime snuggles.
886. Bedtime reading, slowly becoming a shared effort.
887. A cat who knows he is king.
888. Leftovers.
889. Familiarity.
890. Tradition.

Thursday, 7 February 2013


871. Tambourines.
872. Shared grief.
873. Sibling love.
874. God the Alpha and Omega.
875. Egg sandwiches with pumpkinseed bread.
876. Appropriate inappropriateness.
877. Freedom in faith.
878. Hazard warning lights.
879. Beauty in brokenness.
880. Hugs.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


861. Small local shops.
862. Friendly faces.
863. Prawn crackers.
864. The fact that every day does, eventual end.
865. And that night does, always, turn into a new day again.
866. Sour cream cupcake cheesecakes.
867. Roots.
868. New friends.
869. Texts from my niece.
870. A God whose arms are open.


Tuesday, 5 February 2013


851. Encouragement.
852. Kindliness.
853. Truth.
854. The ability to love people
855. And to see through flaws to the people they were created to be.
856. And to know they are doing the same.
857. Paragraphs in books which turn the world on its head.
858. A visiting vicar, who can take knotty complications and cut through the confusion with a few simple words.
859. A God who sent his Son, not to condemn the world, but to save it.
860. Such love.


Monday, 4 February 2013


841. Speech.
842. Conversation.
843. Communication.
844. Connections.
844. New treatment options.
845. Calm carers.
846. Phone calls.
847. Consultants' secretaries.
848. Mild evenings.
849. Unthinking inclusion.
850. Crooked smiles.


Sunday, 3 February 2013


831. On call doctors.
832. Youth with silly "green man" walks, entertaining a small child for hours afterwards.
833. Garlic soup.
834. Paraldehyde.
835. Another week of school.
836. A new challenge.
837. Soul irrigation.
838. Communication through seizures.
839. Hot water in the middle of the night.
840. The epic and ongoing battle between cat and toes-under-duvet.


Saturday, 2 February 2013


821. Cheery strangers.
822. Fresh hot battered fish and soggy chips with salt and malt vinegar.
823. Soundabout.
824. Resonance boards.
825. Effective rescue medications.
826. Knowledgeable shop staff.
827. Feline truces.
828. Belated Christmas presents.
829. CPAP.
830. Early nights.

Friday, 1 February 2013


811. Home comforts.
812. Thames water.
813. Early nights.
814. Friends bringing food.
815. Soft, soft wool.
816. Simple patterns.
817. Lip salve.
818. Grapes.
819. Christ my cornerstone.
820. Sleep.

Thursday, 31 January 2013


801. Peter Paul and Mary.
802. Completion.
803. Warm water.
804. Hospital school teachers.
805. Going on a bear hunt.
806. Space.
807. Buffet restaurants.
808. Blue skies with muddy grass.
809. Wheelchair accessible treehouse.
810. Wigs.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013


791. A bed beside my beautiful girl.
792. The privilege of lying here listening to the nighttime noises of Helen House.
793. Waking night staff.
794. Round the clock care for children, siblings, parents and friends.
795. Impromptu discos.
796. All-embracing love.
797. A small boy, reading his friend a bedtime story.
798. That same small boy leaping off the bed and running away before his friend could insist on a goodnight kiss.
799. "It's ok, I've had Jedi Knight Training" from a small boy before launching himself into death defying acrobatic stunts.
800. Egg mayonnaise rolls.


Tuesday, 29 January 2013


1. Friends in High Places.
2. Family preparing rooms for us and partying whilst they wait.
3. Gods perfect, unchanging and immutable love for us.
4. Friends here whilst we wait.
5. Rosé.
6. ROSY.
7. Children.
8. Chocolate.
9. The Utter Rightness of things we may not understand.
10. Love


Monday, 28 January 2013


771. Silence.
772. Friendships.
773. Beauty in brokenness.
774. God's perfect timing.
775. Helen House staff.
776. The resilience of small children.
777. The words with which to answer the question "am I going to die soon too?"
778. Touch.
779. A ten year old's song. Even if not perfectly timed.
780. Sleep.


Sunday, 27 January 2013


761. Lined paper.
762. Sharp pencils.
763. Sunshine on puddles.
764. Perfectly cooked squid.
765. Crême brûlée.
766. Immaculately brushed gleaming golden fur.
767. Paper white narcissi.
768. Parents.
769. Fluffy socks.
770. Eye contact.


Saturday, 26 January 2013


751. Lazy days
752. Peppa pig card games.
753. Family jokes.
754. Rain.
755. Cocalola.
756. Noisy bikes.
757. Shrink wrap chinstraps.
758. Lentils.
759. Giggle juice.
780. Clock-ignoring.


Friday, 25 January 2013


741. Shea butter.
742. Cocoa butter.
743. Almond milk.
744. Aloe Vera.
745. Honey.
746. Coconut oil.
747. Chapstick.
748. Vaseline.
749. Diprobase.
750. Oilatum.

(yes, yes I am feeling a little dry, why do you ask?)



731. Early morning snuggles with a sweet-breathed seven year old.
732. Maintenance men fixing drips.
733. Watching lives change for the better.
734. Remembering to drink the coffee and finding it just exactly the right temperature.
735. Hazelnuts.
736. Coffee mugs exactly the right shape to warm both hands at once.
737. Seizures which stop before the meds are needed.
738. Sweet smiles from a sleepy ten year old.
739. School transport.
740. Green shoots pushing through the last of the snow.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


721. W. H. Auden.
722. Christina Rossetti.
723. Emily Dickinson.
724. John Donne.
725. Sylvia Plath.
726. Wilfred Owen.
727. Shakespeare.
728. King David.
729. John Betjeman.
730. And a thousand other wordsmiths, shaping wordless thoughts into eloquence and comfort.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013


711. Lifegroup.
712. The power of prayer.
713. The book of Job.
714. The ability to discuss differences of opinion in love and grace.
715. The freedom to believe different things.
716. The theology of plate tectonics and a new way of seeing God in action.
717. Potato skins.
718. The bigger God gets, the more we get to know Him.
719. The utter goodness of God.
720. The amazing fluffiness of the Norwegian Forest Cat.


Monday, 21 January 2013


701. Flexible respite.
701. Mog's sense of humour, deliberately adding a stridor as soon as the Dr waved a stethoscope.
702. A Dr. Who shared Mog's sense of humour and wouldn't let me declare Mog a monster.
703. Friends in difficult circumstances.
704. Porcelain beauty.
705. Snow on branches silhouetted against the sky.
706. Hot chocolate with the Guides.
707. Shiny coins.
708. Really, properly, clean floors.
709. Father God who knows exactly how hard it is to watch His own Son die.
710. Gingernuts.


Sunday, 20 January 2013


691. Grit.
692. Watching one child help another.
693. Unexpectedly quiet days.
694. Men and women who follow their dreams.
695. Compassion.
696. Warm boots.
697. Conversations with my non-verbal child.
698. Church coffee.
699. Small boys on trikes.
700. Silly jokes.


Saturday, 19 January 2013


681. Manners.
682. Hot buttery waffles.
683. Solid walls.
684. The NHS.
685. A Father who welcomes all the little children who come home early to Him.
685. Comfort for those who mourn.
686. Caramel fudge chip cookies.
687. Cuddling down to read books together.
688. He sets the lonely in families.
689. Freedom to grow down, in order to grow up.
690. Kindness.


Friday, 18 January 2013


661. Snow days
662. Snow sculptures.
663. Skiddy wheels sliding up the ramp.
664. Snowflakes at sunrise.
665. Paw prints on virgin snow.
666. Soggy cats looking cross.
667. Snow hush.
668. A full pantry.
669. Coats roasting on radiators.
670. Hot chocolate steam.
671. Scrunch and snap underfoot.
672. Icicles on bushes.
673. Schoolboys having snowball fights.
674. Smiling bin men.
675. Grass tips peeping through the snow.
676. Snow angels.
677. Small children in snow suits.
678. Telephones.
679. Sensible decisions.
680. Infinite beauty.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


651. School transport.
652. Popcorn.
653. Memory foam.
654. New to us books.
655. Tangled miscommunications being sorted with good humour.
656. Hibernation.
657. Shelter.
658. Feline truces.
659. Cats with cardboard boxes.
660. Kindly neighbours.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013


631. Accessible taxis.
632. Clear roads.
633. Compassionate surgeons.
634. Friends in waiting rooms.
635. Ice in puddles.
636. Solo teenagers, freed from their peers, delicately snapping the ice and forgetting to be cool for a moment (and not noticing the audience in the house in front).
637. Back up plans.
638. A well stocked freezer.
639. Fluffy socks.
640. Justice.
641. Children asking for bed.
642. Brownies.
643. Knitting.
644. The continuity provided by More than a decade of the same carer.
645. Imagination.
646. Spontaneous apologies at bedtime.
647. Forgiveness.
648. Jasmine rice.
649. Cheerful taxi drivers with pleasant and appropriate conversation.
650. Cats with winter coats.


Sunday, 13 January 2013


621. Today, for the first time in a very long time, when I told my daughter I was proud of her and that she had done really well, she didn't cry or shout or throw a tantrum, she didn't order me not to say that, she just smiled and took the compliment.
622. And she shared the biscuits with her friend.
623. And let other children choose the television programmes.
624. And decided the chicken was a little too spicy but just told me nicely rather than screeching and weeping.
625. For another child who got the giggles.
626. For blended chocolate biscuits as a sneaky morning snack.
627. For safe journeys home for visiting friends.
628. Warm slippers and the ability to stay inside all day.
629. Cuddles with a finally feeling better little visitor.
630. An unexpectedly sociable cat.


Saturday, 12 January 2013


611. Sociable Saturdays.
612. House guests.
613. House visitors.
614. Sag paneer.
615. Snappy cats.
616. Special needs siblings.
617. Chicken makhani.
618. The shortcuts of shared experiences.
619. A hint of snow to come.
620. Salmon lajobab.


Friday, 11 January 2013


601. Baked potato soup.
602. Friends to share it with.
603. A day with only social phone calls.
604. A battle fought and won; a child now accepting her ability to do something independently.
605. Late Christmas presents.
606. Blended raspberries.
607. Two hours on the phone with Friend.
608. Future possibilities.
609. A girl in a Minnie Mouse hair band.
610. Another girl laughing at a light up Winnie the Pooh.


Thursday, 10 January 2013


591. Dignity and courage
592. Smooth untroubled features in a child who knows she is much loved.
593. Ruthless Rhymes.
594. The hint of trees through fog.
595. Gleaming golden brown hair in the sunshine.
596. Watching a child discover the truth that 6x2=2x6.
597. Words.
598. Tim Hughes.
599. Toblerone.
600. Hugs.


Wednesday, 9 January 2013


581. Global villages.
582. Instant communications.
583. Prayer conversations.
584. Warm cat-heat seeping through blankets onto my legs.
585. Three days in a row being able to walk home from school together.
586. Pleasantly aching muscles after exercise.
587. Unphased school staff.
588. Small child approving the new babysitter.
589. Snappily fresh cold winter air after an evening's rain.
590. Friends walking similar somewhat self inflicted paths.
