Tuesday, 20 November 2012


The often invisible people who keep Helen House ticking over
71. Cleaners
72. Cooks
73. Maintenance guys.
74. Gardeners
75. Fundraisers.
76. Volunteers who do all kinds of things from family support to staffing the shops.
77. Everyone who has ever donated money, whether 10p in a collection tin or £10,000 at a charity event; it all counts.
78. The photographers who keep clicking until they catch the smile.
79. Trustees and directors and managers of all kinds.
80. Therapists - music and physio and massage, and probably a few more we haven't met yet.
81. Carers.
82. Nurses.
83. Doctors
84. Family support staff, bereavement support, chaplain
85. Sister Frances who had the vision for Helen House, which has led to children's hospices across the UK and now around the world.
86. The people who keep the art room stocked with enough craft supplies to delight the hearts of an army of small girls.
87. The teacher who manages to create a curriculum for whoever comes through the door, adapting everything to the needs and health of the child concerned.
88. Disney who donate crates of toys for the children staying. And the other donors of shedloads of Easter eggs, Christmas bits and pieces, and everything else.
89. Other parents who put aside their own concerns to enter into Amana's chatter.
90. All those who liaise with other services, who come to appointments with us, who check up on us between stays, those working elsewhere who visit us at Helen House, for everyone who works towards ensuring that our stays are restful, and that between stays the support is still there.



  1. What a wonderful ministry they have there for you and those with other special needs kids.
    Thankful that you are able to partcipate in their program.

    1. It's wonderful. Hard sometimes; this week is a sad one for more than one family here. But so good to know that the support is here now and will be for as long as we need it.

  2. Do you know that you left a name in here that you don't usually put up?
