141. The Catlings
142. Fifteen extra minutes help this morning, as carer and I raced the click to get girls dressed and a respite suitcase repacked.
143. Care staff who check suitcases early afternoon, rather than waiting until bedtime to discover problems with my packing.
144. And who carefully don't laugh or sound annoyed when I tell them I've lost the bookings form again, and ask them to tell me the new dates again.
145. And who make Mog smile, even if she must have been looking forwards to more than one might at home.
146. School transport. Nothing nicer than opening the door and waving a child in, rather than trekking to school in the rain.
147. Ibuprofen.
148. Hot water bottles.
149. Grolly's soggy leaves.
150. Being able to answer "yes" when a small child asks for another cuddle.
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