Monday, 19 November 2012


61. Helen House Hospice.
62. A meal cooked, served, and washed away by someone else.
63. Nystatin, Canestan and Maxitrol (guess what Mog's got!)
64. Staff who have handled tLP so skilfully that for I think the first time ever, she has settled into bed here without tears.
65. Night staff watching over the girls and the other guests.
66. My second home, this beautiful little flat where I can escape to, knowing that I will be contacted if there are any problems, but that I can sleep without listening out for alarms and cries.
67. Friends booked in at the same time; smily faces and new audiences for tLP.
68. A chef who cooked an extra mild chilli just for Mog, in case she couldn't handle the heat.
69. Clean sheets and a comfy bed.
70. Peace. Quiet times away from the hustle and bustle of a quite ridiculously busy life. The silence of a flat with no other people in it. The peace of mind which comes from knowing both girls fell asleep with smiles on their faces. And the peace of God which passes all understanding, and which enables there to be so much joy and happiness around a place where so many children come to die.


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