2601. Sympathy.
2602. Empathy.
2603. Care.
2604. Concern.
2605. Honesty.
2606. Helpfulness.
2607. People going above and beyond.
2608. Garlic battered tofu.
2609. Support.
2610. Silence.
2611. Friendship.
2612. Potato gnocchi.
2613. Autumn leaves.
2614. Windfall apples.
2615. Perfect pears.
2616. Inspired fabric designers.
2617. Anointed worship leaders.
2618. The eloquence of a yes/no chat with my daughter.
2619. God With Us as we move into a new phase of life.
2620. My shiny laminator.
2621. Being able to print from my phone.
2622. New beginnings.
2623. Fragile earth.
2624. Regional accents in all their varieties.
2625. Mary Berry.
2626. Paul Hollywood.
2627. Hopeful bakers.
2628. Words of encouragement.
2629. Bacon butties.
2630. Satisfaction.
2631. Comfort.
2632. Shelter.
2633. Praise.
2634. Clean air.
2635. Pure water.
2636. Choice.
2637. Freedom.
2638. Diversity.
2639. Time.
2640. Seasons.
2641. Memories.
2642. Traditions.
2643. Harmony.
2644. Discovering unexpected talents in our newest bunch of Guides.
2645. Seeing the weak made strong.
2646. Watching the older girls grow in maturity.
2647. The privilege of watching friend's children grow.
2648. Adoption.
2649. Dreams.
2650. Companionship.
2651. New solutions.
2652. The exquisite softness of Benjamin's belly fluff.
2653. Warm cats on my lap on a cool afternoon.
2654. The joy of having finished one obligation.
2655. Appreciation.
2656. Eternity.
2657. Being made Sons and Heirs.
2658. Reunions.
2659. Chutneys.
2660. Free garlic.
2661. Spaghetti squash.
2662. Snails upon snails upon snails, twisting and coiling inside the fish tank and keeping it clean.
2663. People who want to share the load.
2664. Clean floors.
2665. Folded laundry.
2666. Two lost-and-found purses in one day, both untouched.
2667. Generosity.
2668. Enthusiasm.
2669. Wellington boots.
2670. Body art.
2671. The body of Christ, in all our misshapen antagonistic fallible unity.
2672. Lilies on a lake.
2673. Virginia creeper.
2674. Gladioli.
2675. Candle flames.
2676. Accommodating bus drivers.
2677. Portable hoists.
2678. Security.
2679. Healthcare.
2680. Safety.
2681. A voice for a friend.
2682. The Barns Café.
2683. Mushroom makhani.
2684. Thai rice.
2685. Rosti.
2686. Strangers who cycled a thousand mild to raise money for ROSY.
2689. Volunteers working behind so many scenes.
2690. Drs.
2691. Nurses.
2692. Nursing agencies.
2693. Integrity.
2694. CBBC.
2696. CBeebies.
2697. Family.
2698. Tambourines.
2699. Petrol stations.
2700. Hot fresh doughnuts.